since 2010.

Our chinchilla live in a family environment surrounded by love in foster families. They are always clean, groomed, in excellent health, up to date vaccinations and are monitored by the veterinarian. A clean environment and personalized service to make the adoption of your dream kitten a pleasant moment for all..

Straight Text: (405) 259-5712‬ |

Description Of The chinchilla ?

The Domestic is a nocturnal rodent. This small mammal resembles squirrels. His ears are large and almost completely bare. Its tail measures 7 to 15 centimeters. There are 3 types the Liechtenstein (short-tailed), the Brevicaudata (smaller short-tailed) and Lanigera(long tail and longer hair). Their fur is dense and soft, speckled gray on the back and whitish on the belly. Their dentition is made up of incisors and molars that grow continuously (a few millimeters per month). The chinchilla for sale has 5 toes on the front limbs and 4 on the hind limbs. He is an excellent climber. It is part of the family, native to the Andes mountain range (more precisely in Peru, Bolivia and Chile). It lives in altitudes of 3000 to 5000 meters approximately. It lives in a community of 10 to 100 chinchillas.

Its longevity is 10 to 15 years but there is a chinchilla that lived up to 20 years.

Where is he from

Coming mainly from the wild species Chinchilla lanigera, it was very probably hybridized to a lesser extent with the other wild species,brevicaudata, even rarer because it was almost decimated for its fur at the beginning of the 20th century. Successfully bred in captivity since 1923. It was selected above all for its dense and silky fur, but this domestic baby chinchilla has also been one of the new pets for fifteen years. Unlike wild protected species, it is not endangered. It is the chinchilla best known to furriers, laboratories and the general public.

The female is bigger than the male. The female weighs 450 to 800 grams and the baby chinchilla male 400 to 500 grams. Enemies of chinchillas are ferrets and snakes. The chinchilla has a crepuscular and nocturnal activity but it adapts to the daytime life of its owners.

The maturity of the baby chinchilla males is at 9 months and that of the females is 4 to 8 months. However, they can only reproduce from 7 and 9 months. Females can have 1 to 3 young per litter. In a year, females can have 2 litters. Gestation is 110 to 120 days. They are viviparous. Weaning is between 50 and 60 days. The young are born fully developed and able to leave the nest. They feed exclusively on milk for the first few days and, gradually, will begin to eat with their parents.

The habitat

The chinchilla must have a large, spacious cage with several floors of at least 100 x 50 x 80 cm, so that it can jump high. it is necessary to add pipes, shelves, branches, stairs, hiding place. As litter you can use thick hay, wood shavings or sawdust, but cat litter should be avoided, as it can be eaten. For the we can still put in his cage a place where he could take a bath to remove the excess sebum he has on his skin. For this you need sand baths with specific bathing soil or, failing that, a mixture of equal parts of talc and very fine sand so that he can roll around and take a good sand bath. You have to keep this sand very clean. Place a wooden nest high up on one side of the cage. Line the cage with large branches to provide exercise. The temperature of your  chinchilla's location should be around 20°C, have 12 hours of light, and the humidity should be 50% or more. They are more sensitive to heat than to cold. Avoid placing the cage in a humid place or exposed to drafts.

Chinchillas For Sale

baby chinchilla
fluffy chinchilla
chinchilla lifespan
Name: Dora
Availability: Ready to Leave
Age:8 weeks Old
Sex :female
Vaccinations: Up-to-Date : Yes
Price :$350
Name: Mike
Availability: Ready to Leave
Age:8 weeks Old
Sex :male
Vaccinations: Up-to-Date : Yes
Price :$$350
Name: Doris
Availability: Ready to Leave
Age:8 weeks Old
Sex :female
Vaccinations: Up-to-Date : Yes
Price :$$350


chinchilla dust bath
chinchilla pet
cute chinchilla
Name: cici
Availability: Ready to Leave
Age:8 weeks Old
Sex :female
Vaccinations: Up-to-Date : Yes
Price :$350
Name: Jeff
Availability: Ready to Leave
Age:8 weeks Old
Sex :male
Vaccinations: Up-to-Date : Yes
Price :$350
Name: Craig
Availability: Ready to Leave
Age:8 weeks Old
Sex :male
Vaccinations: Up-to-Date : Yes
Price :$350

Diet Of Chinchilla?

They consumes 30 to 40 grams of food per day (this is the equivalent of one tablespoon per day) and drinks 10 to 20 ml of water. In the morning we start the day with coarse hay of first cut quality. We give the special baby chinchilla pellets completely (in the evening when he starts to wake up) or we can give a diet of: 50% wheat bran, 25% fresh wheat germ, 5% bone meal , 10% dry yeast and 10% linseed cake. A variety of cereals made of 25% barley, 25% wheat, 25% oats, 20% rolled oats and 5% skim milk powder are added to this basic mixture. One gives half half of the first and the second mixture preferably the evening when he begins to wake up. The Chinchila is a herbivore. In its natural environment it feeds on dry grasses, leaves, bark of bushes, vegetables and fruits. It feeds on cacti plants: it eats the roots, stems, leaves and pulp. He only drinks in the morning dew because water is scarce. When you have him as a pet you should ideally not give him food belonging to other species. Hay as much as you want and twigs of willow, poplar or vine stocks to gnaw on every day and measured feed to avoid being overweight. Treats are not necessary and often given too much will cause digestive problems and diarrhea.

The Health

The normal temperature is 38 to 39 degrees Celsius.

Digestive disorders:

       Dental abnormalities, meteorism, enteritis, salmonellosis, infectious enteritis, constipation, internal parasites, reversal of the rectum. Foods of questionable quality cause serious gastrointestinal problems. have a very long intestine, so it is important to give them an optimal diet.

Skin conditions:

       Alopecia (loss of hair), pecking, external parasites, dermatomyositis, lack of daily sand bath resulting in dull fur.

Respiratory conditions :


Cardiac and circulatory disorders:

   under stress, heredity.

Urinary disorders:

   Cystitis, bladder stones.

Genital conditions:

   Rings of felted hair around the penis, prolapse of the penis, lack of sexual ardor, endometritis, vaginitis, reversal of the uterus, dystocia, toxemia of gestation.Disorders of the senses and the nervous system:

   eye: conjunctivitis, keratitis

   ear: otitis, inflammation of the outer ear, mites.

Metabolic disorders:

   dietary deficiency, vitamin E, thiamin and calcium deficiency.